Just us dollz

Sunday, May 20, 2007

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The pond in front of my house is awesome! I've never seen anything like it. The fishes inside are deat meat! Once I get my claws on them, meow!

It's a little scary though because of the loud sound it makes, and it caused alot of problems to Kak Ira's mom because it was difficult to clean and stuff but it adds alot to the scenery outside the house.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket goes Kiki.

Monday, May 14, 2007

I managed to snap a picture of Kiki while she was using the laptop! I think she was reading up on how to order food online.

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I love sunning myself. I can go crazy and roll around for ages in the driveway of Number 33. Kak Ira thinks I'm getting fat but her mom loves me fat and I love being fat too so it's all good. :)

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket goes Gandos.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

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Hey folks!

We just ate our dinner. Right now, Kiki is keeping guard while I update. Later we're going to switch places. Kak Ira went out to celebrate Mother's Day [without US! But it's okay, we still love her.] so we've got the laptop to ourselves. Finally! Anyway I had tuna for dinner. I love tuna! That's a hint by the way. The next time you guys visit, you can bring along some food. I mean, I'm not forcing but... you know, if you happen to feel kind. [And I know you're kind! Pretty paw please? :)]

We cats are very fussy eaters. Especially me because as you know, I didn't have a mom when I was a baby. I had to be bottle-fed. They mixed a special formula into a tiny specially-designed milk bottle just for me. Everytime I drink milk last time, I was like a little baby. It wasn't easy, mind you. There were alot of potential dangers such as me choking on the bottle nipple, too much air going in and such. It's not easy guiding a little kitten as we tend to follow our instincts and reject such man-made stuff. Trust me, I know! Kiki was the best surrogate mom ever. Sometimes, I would curl up with her when I'm cold and she'll lick me and keep me warm. If not for her, I probably wouldn't be here today.

But those days are long gone. Now, as you can see, I'm a big girl and I can eat all by myself. It was difficult to wean myself off the milk but I managed to do it. :)

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Aren't I getting bigger and prettier? Kay, I'll switch with Kiki now... she keeps bugging me to hurry! It's not easy using my paws you know! The backspace key is my favourite.

Okay, okay, Ki! I'm done!


Gandos was really taking her own sweet time, wasn't she? When MY stories are more interesting!

I see she posted a personal picture of herself. She was eating on the floor there. But that doesn't mean she's messy - she's eating tuna and tuna has some tiny bones so she has to separate the bones and crunch gently.

I ate chicken chunks just now. Kak Ira's mom says I'm a very fussy eater. But I'm not! I'm just *ahem* particular about my food. Only the best for the best cat like me! :)

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I like to eat daintily and slowly. I can't eat as fast as I used to. As you can see, there is alot more left on my plate than on Gandos's. I used to like cat biscuits but I can't eat them anymore because my teeth are alot weaker now. Sometimes they will sprinkle water over the biscuits to soften them so I can eat.

My favourite food is definitely cheese. It doesn't matter what kind of cheese but just cheese! Next comes chicken. Kak Ira loves eating chicken too. Sometimes she gives me some but when she's especially hungry [and greedy], she doesn't.

I think I hear the car pulling in the driveway. Yup, Gandos is signalling me to hurry. Til next time!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket goes Kiki and Gandos.

I think Kak Ira is getting a little bit jealous of all the attention we are receiving on our blog. She's been keeping us away from the computer and the other day I tried to sit on the laptop but she even pushed me off!

Today is mother's day. Gandos wouldn't know anything about being a mom whereas I, am experienced. *Hmmmph* Kak Ira gave me abit of cheese for mother's day but Gandos has yet to give me a present...

I think my entries are alot more interesting than Gandos's ones. Can you believe her nerve? She tried to clutter the page with her pictures but soon I'll take more pictures and put them up here. I'm alot more adorable than her anyway.

The other day Kak Ira came home from the beach with Abang Hasyim and she even took pictures of another cat! And the cat wasn't even cute. Me and Gandos are soo much cuter. Well, maybe not Gandos but especially me.

Wait! I see Kak Ira coming... I better sign out qui.........

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket goes Kiki.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

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Let me introduce you to a special friend of mine. His name is Mr Binks. I named him Mr Binks because I once had a kitten friend with that name. My kitten friend went missing and I still remember him very dearly. :(

Anyway, this Mr Binks has been my companion for a very long time. Kak Noreen gave him to me when I was still a baby kitten. Sometimes I play with him and at other times, I sleep with him. He lets me bite him as hard as I want, unlike Kak Ira and her mom.

Kak Ira said I was as big as Mr Binks last time when she found me. She said I was as big as her palm, including my tail. My eyes had not yet opened when they took me in. I can't imagine being that small, but it doesn't matter because I'm a big girl now.

Kak Ira never lets me sleep in peace! In the third picture above, she was disturbing me, as usual.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket goes Gandos.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


she's just what I need.
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I've lived with Kak Ira for almost the 17 years of my life and I can honestly say that I love her alot. Recently, I was very sick. The vet thought I was gonna die, but he's a man, and what do men know? Kak Ira and her mom took very good care of me, giving me all my medicine everyday and making sure I get proper dialysis and treatment and now I feel alot better.

I even have a tummy now! Previously I was underweight. You can't really tell because I've got such beautiful, thick fur but I was very underweight. But now my stomach feels round and nice. When I plop down to sleep, I love the cushion-y feeling under me.

The best part about living with someone for 17 years is that you know them very well. Sometimes I can tell when Kak Ira is upset and I'll let her hug me because I know I'm very nice to hug. Whenever she comes home from school or anywhere, I usually rush to the door to greet her because I know how much she misses me but now I'm getting old and sometimes I'm a little tired to do so.

By the way, Gandos is the most irritating cat in the world. She keeps running around and getting in my way. Sometimes she even jumps on me on purpose!

At least she doesn't steal my food.

Speaking of food, it's almost time for my dinner...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketgoes Kiki.

The magic scrunchie.

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Today I had fun playing with my best friend's scrunchie. First I played with it on the dining table. The dining table in our house is an awesome place for naps, by the way! It's a great place to catch forty winks while making sure I can keep my paws on things around the house.

Anyway, I was a very smart cat. I even managed to carry it in my mouth all the way to the living room. Over there, something magical happened! The scrunchie floated in the air by itself! And it managed to guard itself well, too. I tried as hard as I could but I couldn't reach it. I think it managed to put up an invisible glass shield around itself.

Don't tell anyone but I've been practising on doing that myself. I've almost gotten it!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket goes Gandos.